April is dragging along, much like the last part of March. I don't have much energy or motivation and whereas, my son is a ceaseless source of joy and humor, there just isn't much else out there to float my boat. There really is no good reason for this malaise, work isn't all that taxing or difficult, life isn't that taxing or difficult but in general is seems like winter. I have noticed that there is a lack of good news these days, gas is expensive, the state is out of money and this recovery isn't suppose to be all that great. The family was at Bellevue Square today and I can say I don't remember a time so many stores were empty. But in a time blah, one should look for silver linings, so I'm joining the glass half full set, so empty stores at Bellevue Square and abandoned building in downtown Bellevue, economic opportunities that wouldn't be there if the economy was more robust. The tragedy that has befallen the Polish government, are new opportunities for new faces and new ideas to take up the lead in the country. One of the things that I was wondering, does Poland have a cable news media like ours? And if so, is it spendings these first hours after their tragedy spinning blame toward opposition. And do they have conspiracy theorists waxing on about a renewed Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact? Regardless it is sad day for Poland, so tonight a picture of the Polish embassy in Prague, it was that or a picture of this Polish guy I knew. This photo is like a Polish joke, a celebration of stupidity. I remember taking this photo and then thinking why did I take that photo and remember seeing these photo for the first time, and asking why did I take that photo?
Sorry Poland...But wait the glass is half full, at least the photo is in focus.