After a month like January, this seems awfully nice. Really, its been a busy month and with February looking even busier, my year is off to a start that I would rather have traded in. But hey it isn't a lot fun, but I suppose it could be worse. For now, I am considering the things I am thankful for, friends, the sane parts of the family, Cicely and Quin. Oh and of course beer.
More kodachrome moments tonight. It is good that I have these slides, as I have taken very few photos this month, probably a 4 or 5 year low. It's kinda sad really I just haven't had the time. There have been several times I wish I had my camera or had the time to shoot, it just hasn't worked out. Instead I have continued to be given additional work to get done, had some business travel and worst of all dealt with family stuff. Oh how I wish I could get some time to myself in the car with the radio and my camera. It just isn't happening. Now I have a couple of items to add to the list of things to get done, I just hope it works out that I get the time to do them. Especially, the valley photo contest, after not winning and then having my photo all over the place last year, I want to win this year. Anyway, tonight's slide is from Ellensburg, I passed up better shots at this farmer's market, I ended up with this. Honestly, I am not sure why I took this shot, I have so many bad memories of corn in Elllensburg. Somehow though I really like this shot, actually it probably is one of my three or four favorite shots from the three rolls of Kodachrome. Call me obtuse.Enjoy
I've been battling a cold and long work hours this week, so I really not up to saying witty things about the State of the Union or anything else right now. So lets just skip to more Kodachrome. Tonight, the boy and my lovely wife, immortalized on a Kodachrome slide, just like I was, once upon a time. This picture is from October 2009.
As mentioned recently I received my developed kodachrome slides back from Dwayne's of Parsons, KS. This week I thought I would share some of the slides. Tonight's slide was taken in October 2009, on Neal Road between Fall City and Carnation.Enjoy
In case you did not know, air is available all the time. I had thought, that air took the wee hours off. Now I know otherwise.
Spelling is subjective, I mean spelling words that end in y with a y? That is so correct. But spelling words that end y with an i or an ee or an ie now that's unique. So in this photo, I'd like to think that the proprietor of Green Gables General Store, is breaking the rules because it is someones birthday who is just too awesome have happy spelt with a y.
Back last June, America's Finest Blog did a week or so on pictures of signs. Tonight we return to that subject with a twist, it's not so much the picture of the sign but the sign itself, especially the content. Tonight, America's Finest Blog examines the Thunderbird Motel, in Ellensburg, WA. The readerboard says WiFi Welcome, is that because they would like to use your WiFi, maybe it is just plea to have somebody install a hotspot or it could be just a reminder to wayward travellers that the Thunderbird Motel in all sorts of 2004. By the way, this is one of my kodachrome slides. The photo was taken in late September 2009. I could wax on about the Tahoe Room, but that's for another time.Dan
I finally received my 3 boxes of kodachrome slides back from Dwayne's Photo of Parsons, Kansas. Dwayne's was the world's last Kodachrome processor. The film is beautiful and the color is amazing. What I will now long regret is not shooting more slide film, these 3 rolls of Kodachrome were my first, problably last slide film. I have several rolls of 35mm black and white film and bunch of color film laying around, I think I might try to shoot it this year from time to time. Film is so much different from digital, it took over a year to shoot 3 rolls of kodachrome. That's about 108 shots, I can do that in an evening with the elk, using a digital camera. Even now looking at the slides I have, I don't know if I truly used the film wisely. I guess part of that, was not having use the stuff before I assumed it was much slower than it actually was, that tidbit I didn't realize until the very end. Oh well it was fun and I can say I shot three rolls of kodachrome. In the days to come, watch for some of the slides to make there way to this, America's Finest Blog.Dan
I spent Monday afternoon flying down to Phoenix, the route takes you over Eastern Oregon and The Great Basin and eventually St. George, Utah and the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon was spectacular, a bit of snow with the red and orange rocks it was brilliant. But the highlight was the Great Basin with a cover of snow, a vast nothingness with an occasional road here or there stretching off as far as the eye could see. These roads were amazing as they seemed almost perfectly straight. I wished I had driven down to experience those roads, the landscape and the topography. Again that urge to drop everything and just hit the road nearly got me, but alas good parenting by my parents and the love of these two, saw me instead spend 3 days in meeting...
Today has moved too fast. I look forward to a busy week, well not so much forward, at least in the enjoyment sense. I will say that after this week, life appears, at least from a distance to be mellowing and settling into a reasonable pattern. So, I hope that is true. Tonight's photo really has nothing to do with this, it a photo of a lighthouse. I have been noted by some over the years as a lover of lighthouses, and that I photograph lighthouses often. Whereas I do enjoy an occasional lighthouse, I don't consider myself a crazied lighthouse photographer. In fact most of my pictures of lighthouses are in fact, the same lighthouse.
It is the 500th blog post, oh my where does the time go? Back in June, when I did the 400th blog post, I said that 2010 hadn't been all that great and that the blog was moving along looking for inspiration. Well since then things got a whole lot worse, and I have no inspiration. But what this silly little diversion has become is a silly little diversion. Something I can do three or four times a week to focus on me, not my family, not work, not my Dad and not his dog, but me. It has in that sense become even more dear to me. I could really care less about the quality of the blog or do I care that the stated purpose of the blog is totally ignored 98% of the time these days, I sit down and I type a few words and enjoy the process. Tonight's 500th post coincides, ironically, with the incorporation of the City of Wenatchee, the place I spent much time between the 400th and 500th posts, none of the time was very pleasant, but it had it's moments I suppose. Those moments seemed to all be at one of two restaurants. In fact almost all my fond memories of Wenatchee are of restaurants, not to say that they have great food in the town. Long before Wenatchee became the world's apple capital, they say a fellow named McBride first settled in the area now known as Wenatchee, his income was made by selling illegal whiskey to the Indians. Maybe that is why so many I have known from that town have been befouled by that spirit or other addictions. Still it is that place and all the long lonesome drives and crazy circumstances that have given this blog new life. So here's to Wenatchee and another 100 posts.
In a little less than 24 hours from now my son will be 4 years old, it is humbling to see time move so quickly, it really doesn't seem possible. So much as changed over that time, but he is mostly unfazed by a changing world. The boy has grown so much and has accomplished so much, it is truly amazing. But 4 years really seems improbable, it seems like I just was holding a fussy baby in my arms slowing walking circles around the kitchen island, trying to get him to sleep. Now he can put himself to bed and dress himself in the morning. Its amazing, it really is, I am a lucky man.
A year waits to unfold before us, what will it bring, is what we all ask. 2011 will be made of our reactions to what it brings, that is even if what it brings is nothing but crap. If it brings crap and crap is all we see, we will endure crap. If it brings crap and we look for the bright side of things and focus on those bits, it will bring growth and strength. If 2010 taught me anything, that it is to stop and enjoy and live moment during the good times, as they are too fleeting and too special. Besides there is always time to deal with everything else. And for those difficult times, its best not to stop, not to allow the bad stuff time to rot your soul. It's a deal with it and move on situation, and when it is done it needs to be done. 2011 started with some of the good moments, a chance to go out and photograph the upper valley in it's blanket of snow. Tonight the first picture of the new year. Happy New Years