So, as we turn the page on March and leap into April Fool's, Dow and the Governor are trying to play the citizens of Seattle as chumps. While at the same time the city government, already short of money, as turned it's back on reality and decided to eat itself. What is the source of this amusement, a deep bore tunnel through glacial till under the city. It would allow for the removal of the viaduct and lead to more waterfront condos. It is also crazy expensive and probably will end in folly, much like the boring machines stuck some under Shoreline. Seattle's Mayor doesn't like the tunnel and has decided it's too expensive and all the cost overruns will fall upon the residents of Seattle to pay for. So the Mayor has granted time off to employees to help fight the tunnel. Meanwhile the City of Seattle has decided to sue those who don't like the tunnel, to ensure the tunnel is built regardless of cost, common sense or our federal building. The U.S. government doesn't much like the tunnel idea either as it runs under the federal building and there is concern the building's foundation will sink and the building will be rendered useless. Enter the Governor and her lackey Dow, the governor vows to veto any bill that would force the good citizens of Seattle to foot the bill for all cost overruns. Problem is that cost overruns usually occur at the end of a project, no the beginning, It is really unlikely the Governor will still be in office when the overruns will occur. Furthermore, she attempted to reassure the good citizens of Seattle that there already has been a ton of money wasted on the project, and then gleefully waxed on about open public process of wastefulness. 61 public meetings, a 29 member advisory board, that considered 90 proposals and did environment impact studies for eight of them, hell the state has spent more money considering replacing the viaduct than the damned thing cost to build. This situation makes it easier to understand why the state is 4 billion dollars short.
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