10 Years Later
Its been ten years since the Nisqually Quake. I could wax on about the day itself, but I don't think I will, instead I am thinking about what different world I lived in back in February of 2001. 9/11, had yet to happen, so the world as I had know it for 30 years was largely the same, or at least existed within an upper and lower boundary. That boundary was not affected by the Nisqually Quake. I do remember going straight home after the quake, and watching it on T.V. just like my parents, especially my mom, would have wanted me to do. I remember thinking two things, this is a big deal and what a beautiful day, so lets go check it out. So that is what we did, Cicely and I went downtown and walked around and took pictures. Like I said, what a beautiful day it was. Ten years later, those boundaries, both personal and global have moved and expanded in some ways and contracted in others. One of those things that has expanded over the years, is my love for Cicely. We hadn't been dating 6 months yet, when this happened, I loved her then and I love her now, but now it's 10 years of love, a stronger and more substantial type of love. Without her, over the years I would have collapsed like so many of those brick buildings in Sodo.
1 comment:
Excellent essay - clear metaphors. When do we publish?
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