Unexpected Change
Lately, I have really only have done two things, work or sleep. Sometimes I eat while working or on the good bits I stop to eat and then go back to work, you get the picture. Basically, enjoyment of life has taken a backseat to work as of late. I more or less, took no photos in January and haven't taken many more in February. What of course makes January and February so difficult is the sometimes ceaseless rain, which can be a de-motivator when it comes to taking photographs, I mean just how many ugly Sunday damp rain photos can you take, or do you really want to take. So this weekend I had the opportunity not to work and after sitting in my house for the better part of Saturday, enjoying nothingness, or at least doing nothing important, Sunday's sunshine was a call to get out. I decided to take some photos, but alas, but the time I went out to shoot, the sun was gone and the sky overcast and blah had set in. But I was out looking at least. Considering this place or that, and what condition would make it ideal, when I came across a scene I have pasted hundreds of times, but today it was different. For the first time, the Ford in the photo was replaced by grey dead grass, marking the spot the Ford had so long occupied. The sight is no longer as interesting, just another reminder our valley is changing and the things we take for granted are fleeting, today an old Ford truck, tomorrow 50 acres of trees and the quiet life at the edge of the Cascades.
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