Monday, September 24, 2012

Public Water

On this date back in 1888, Mayor Moran of Seattle, suggested that the Cedar River be used to supply the city with water, as the existing system of springs and pumps was severally strained by Seattle's population of 40,000.  The city council decided to put the idea to a public vote, in November of 1888.  The citizens of Seattle where to be asked to fund a pipeline from Rock Creek to Seattle by okaying $1,000,000 in bonds.  However days before the election it was discovered that the ordinance that authorized the special election was illegal.  The City Council then decided to postpone the vote until July 1889.  The bond measure was ensured passage by the events of June 6, 1889 (the Great Seattle Fire).  The bond passed 1875 to 51, you have got to wonder what the 51 where thinking, or maybe they were some sort of Proto-Tea Party type gang.  Anyway it would be another 10 years for the pipe line to be build, as is the speed of government.  Tonight, photo the Cedar River and Taylor Creek at Bagley Junction.

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