Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is There Good News?

The GOP is going after the AARP. The economy is a bit wrecked. Japan is a mess, Libya is a mess, for that matter just about everywhere is a mess. It seems like the news and events are as relentless as our rain. There is something that comes from tough times, and that is an appreciation for the good times and when I think of good times, I think of Good Friends cereal. I remember this first time I saw a box of Good Friends, boy oh boy, did I laugh, I mean it was absurd, two people unnaturally close to one another, with unnatural smiles sharing a bowl of high fiber cereal and it was called Good Friends. Obviously, I did not fall into that demographic, I shutter to think what that demographic could be. Maybe it is alternative or otherwise lifestyle couples that are both Art History professors or maybe liberal studies graduate assistants. I could show you a picture of somebody with a liberal studies degree, but that wouldn't be very nice. Instead, tonight a picture of good friends, not in unnaturally close proximity to one another and a bowl of high fiber cereal.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunrise From A Moving Car

Okay, it is probably worse than texting while driving and the photography books frown upon it. Sometimes though it is the only way you are going to get a shot. Now addressing the photography books first, they say you are suppose spend countless hours prepping for a shot. Which is super if you have the time. Sometimes though you are confronted with something so beautiful that you just have to give it a try. Now the safety aspect, you should not try it unless you know you are not going to cause an accident. Also you should always be prepared for the depth of field changes that come from looking into a camera. Ideally you should be travelling at low speed when attempting such folly, or better yet, being the passenger, or even better yet find a safe place to stop your car and setup a shot like a professional would. Boring trip hint, shooting from a moving car while being the passenger can be very fun and good shots can be had, if you setup the shot so you can crop the foreground. Tonight's photo, not the best one ever taken I would admit, is one of those moments when you see something so beautiful you must try to capture it. This was taken from highway 203, north of Duvall looking across Cherry Valley.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Clouds, A Final Thought

The title of this blog entry should be, Clouds, A Final Thought for Now, as I will probably come back to this subject at some point. As I have shown only photos that I have taken, I wanted to point out that others have taken cloud shots too. In this case my Grandmother who took several cloud/sunset photos in her day. This one is probably taken in Eastern Washington, in the 1950's.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Into the Storm

I once use to keep my camera in my car, under my front seat. This way I always it around to take a picture. There was also a particular time, I didn't much like my living situation, so I would get up in the morning leave and usually just go drive. Then if the weather was good, get out and walk, if it was bad, keep driving. One Sunday morning I ended up in West Seattle on a particularly messy and showery day. I remember sitting in my car looking out toward the Sound and I saw this, a ferry sailing into a storm.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

More Clouds

As stated previously, here at America's Finest Blog we would be looking at clouds. And it is not just a ploy to show sunset photos. It is a ploy to show super awesome photos of clouds and sky. Tonight's photo, taken in 2005 in east King County.

Friday, March 18, 2011


The sky and clouds are great things to photograph. The next few nights I am going to dedicate America's Finest Blog to clouds. Why you ask, because they are great things to photograph. Also they have nothing to do with oil prices, Middle Eastern strife or Japanese nuclear plants. Speaking of Japanese nuclear plants, does it seem the American media has become somewhat bored by the lack of Chernobyl like action? More questions about Japan and the American media, why would or should a newspaper or news service run a headline that says, Japan vows to re-build? Isn't that more or less a given? Now if the Emperor came on T.V. and said, that the Government had decided to abandon the island nation and move to Sri Lanka, that would be news. Anyway enjoy the clouds.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

This Man

This man with an arrow coming out of his ear, is celebrating a birthday, and he is celebrating a birthday the only way you can on St. Patrick's day, stealing cookies and chocolate coins wrapped in golden tin foil from leprechauns. Seriously, we did that become part of St. Patrick's Day? This is a day for wearing green, mercilessly pinching those who forgot to wear green and drinking (assuming you are old enough or have a fake ID). Kids leaving cookies for leprechauns is silly.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Change of Plans

I was going to take the time to write about the great Ephrata Fire or the absurdity of our elected officials in Olympia and their desire to fix the State's budget issues by trying to cut funding for DNR trails (again) and the State History Museum. It will save nearly 5.5 million dollars of the next two years, which is super, however the State is short 3.5 billion dollars (at least). Now it could be that the problem with the State is that they have funded hundreds of millions of projects like this and that's why we are short the money, or it could be that Olympia once again doesn't want to make real cuts to their pet projects. Whatever it is, I am not discussing it, because my baby sent me a letter. Okay it actually was a text message, but you get the idea.
Cicely and Quin are in San Diego, visiting her family, I did not go down this time. I am here is rainy Washington. Anyway the text said, that Quincy wanted to go home now, because he misses me. Being the sappy dork I am, I find this to be very touching. So tonight a picture of Quincy, I miss him and his Mom very much.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sudden Change

Once again we all have been reminded just how quickly the world can change and all things that were probably important yesterday suddenly, however temporarily, do not seem to matter. You like to think that the events that we see played out on the television are something that couldn't or won't happen too you. Or you think that it just isn't fair to be riding a train home from work one minute and to swept away by a 30 foot wave in the next. it just goes to prove that nothings guaranteed in life, including life it's self. But it does go to show just how important it is to actively live life. There are literally millions of Japanese I would guess that would willingly trade places with even the most troubled of us. Here at America's Finest Blog our hopes and prayers go out to the people of Japan.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Busy Weekend

So once again, a weekend seemed to be as busy and crazy as the work week. Even though it was a three day weekend. Oh well. I did however get a few moments to get out and take a few photos of something other than my family strumming the ol' banjo. I made it up to Rattlesnake Lake, which once again provided to be a great place to experience late afternoon sunlight. Moments like this remind that the place I make my home is a great place.

Friday, March 4, 2011

More Banjo

Cicely is not the only person that has taken a liking to the banjo, Quin too enjoys playing it. Although Quin is a bit limited with regards to what he can do. After all the thing is probably taller than he is. No matter, it is nice to see the boy interested in music. He is a ceaseless source of amusement and happiness. No matter what sort to stupidity is occurring around me, he is a joy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Like Christmas in March

The title of tonight's post does not refer to the beautiful weather we have been experiencing here in the great Pacific Northwest, but instead the joy currently being experienced by my wife. You see she has finally gotten her banjo. So many years she has wanted one, and finally a couple weeks ago she purchased one. It arrived yesterday and since then she has been on cloud number nine. She's learned three cords and four picking patterns and has sore fingers, not bad for 24 hrs she says, and I agree. It's just another reason I love so.