Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Picture Of Ellensburg

Why a picture of Ellensburg?  Because today marks twin anniversaries, first the Port of Kahlotus which serves the people of Kahlotus all 250 of them and the farmers surrounding the town.  I drove through Kahlotus once, it was like so many towns in Eastern Washington with a few streets, trees and a grain elevator nestled to hills of sage and scrub.  The second anniversary is that of the death of Ted Bundy, Ted was a killer.  I remember most of my later years of grade school watching highlights of Bundy's trial in Florida on the news.  
So why then a picture of Ellensburg, well one of Bundy's victims disappeared on the campus of Central Washington University and I once knew a girl in Ellensburg that was from Kahlotus.  So that's why this photo of Wippel's gas station, back in the D&M days. 

1 comment:

jerrie said...

fascinating juxtapositions and a bit of history to ponder. I love it.