Sunday, May 3, 2009

What to Blog

You see it is baseball season and the M's are good thus far. In fact the are a lot of fun to watch. So that means the routine I have basically set for my self over the last year or so, seems to be wandering out the door. Oh well, problem is I'm not doing enough interesting stuff to keep up with my own schedule and this blog. Hence you get lovely, posts like this, trying to justify the why America's Finest Blog is quickly becoming America's Lamest Blog.
So what to blog for tonight?
Ever mind, lame justification will do, as for photo's I give you a couple class photos from the roaring twenties. Both are my Grandfather's; first is from Newcastle circa 1921 and the second is from Bremerton circa 1925. Check out the tough kids in the Bremerton photo.

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