Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 6th

June 6th, is D-Day and without those brave men, our world would likely be much different, and probably not in a good way. The other great event on this date is the Great Seattle Fire. The Great Fire is an object lesson to the dangers of hot bubbling glue, dry wood and a need for a municipal water system. The results? 64 arces of downtown Seattle gone before sunset. In the coming years two of the three elements that created the Great Fire were addressed, the Cedar River watershed was created and the city was rebuilt using brick and stone, at the urging of Mayor Robert Moran. Mayor Moran's new stone and brick city can still be seen, as it is Pioneer Square. Anyway a great day, I don't have any photos from Utah or Omaha Beach, nor do I have any Great Fire photos, but instead I have a couple of photos of G-I's I found in an antique store and a couple pics from the Cedar River watershed.

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