Friday, February 12, 2010

Don't Write Important Stuff on Your Hand

Now I have been known to write things on my hands, especially in middle school. So we'll give Sarah a pass on that one, it is not like she is really doing anything all that important. I mean rilling up a bunch of angry Conservatives isn't really that tough, its like making a hornet angry. It just comes natural, and I suppose so does Sarah's ability to get liberals all tied up in knots, with her folksy speak and that naive small town persona, they dislike her. But there is something that Sarah, angry Conservatives and angry liberals all have in common, they are really useless. All their combined anger just creates more waste and a bunch of dialog about what is wrong with liberals in America or what is wrong with the Tea Party people or what is wrong with Sarah. Complaining does not create leaders or solutions, just hot air and we have enough of that.


theo d said...

Perhaps she isn't really 'doing' anything. That cow probably accomplishes more in a given day. She does symbolize, however, modern American angst. From the right perspective, it's really funny to listen to anybody brainwashed by a faction of our media machine into being emotionally charged about how bad things are. They aren't. In fact we're doing pretty good and Sarah's just looking for a paying gig. I was thinking recently that the Republican party should replace the elephant logo with the Koolaid man only he's screaming "OHHH NOOO".

Dan Williams said...

You are Sarah is the right's version of Howard Dean. Whereas I would agree Sarah is looking a nice gig, I wouldn't go so far to say things are pretty good. Things might be getting better, but with recent events in Dubai, Greece and other EU members, China and don't forget the problems here at home, the unemployment, the budget problems at the state level and a federal government commented to spending only 195% of its income, it is easy to see that light at the end of the tunnel may possibly be just another train waiting to wreck. Unfortunately, with both sides of isle complaining about the other side's ideas and tactics, there may not be anyone currently qualified to ask if the light is an oncoming train, and if so, to ask that it be slowed to a stop. Hence once again showing why incumbents from both parties should be voted out of office come this November.