Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Is There Good News?

The GOP is going after the AARP. The economy is a bit wrecked. Japan is a mess, Libya is a mess, for that matter just about everywhere is a mess. It seems like the news and events are as relentless as our rain. There is something that comes from tough times, and that is an appreciation for the good times and when I think of good times, I think of Good Friends cereal. I remember this first time I saw a box of Good Friends, boy oh boy, did I laugh, I mean it was absurd, two people unnaturally close to one another, with unnatural smiles sharing a bowl of high fiber cereal and it was called Good Friends. Obviously, I did not fall into that demographic, I shutter to think what that demographic could be. Maybe it is alternative or otherwise lifestyle couples that are both Art History professors or maybe liberal studies graduate assistants. I could show you a picture of somebody with a liberal studies degree, but that wouldn't be very nice. Instead, tonight a picture of good friends, not in unnaturally close proximity to one another and a bowl of high fiber cereal.

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