Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Santa Teaches Bullying and Discrimination

We just watched Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer and it strikes me, that it is the source of all the world's bullying.  Rudolph and Hermie are bullied by everyone, including Santa.  The open mockery of anyone that is different is by 21st century standards uncomfortable and deplorable.  I suppose the positive message of the story is that Hermie and Rudolph don't give in to that bullying Santa and his crony Comet.  They keep it real and stay true to themselves.  So in an age where the bullied run amok too often, I guess the bullied folk should do like Rudolph and Hermie and just prove the bullies wrong by being strong and being great.  Also, Santa, the reindeer and the Elves need some diversity training ASAP.

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