Monday, December 3, 2012

Meet The New Boss...

This is Seattle, the decider of all things in the State of Washington.  I read today in the Times that Jay Inslee won Seattle by 195,000 votes but only won the state by 95,000 votes, meaning outside the city limits Inslee wasn't viewed at the best guy for the Governor job. 
So which brings up a couple ideas, one the state could create a precinct by precinct or county by county electoral college type system that mutes the electoral power of Seattle.  This would mean pea processors in Dayton would need to be as important as Boeing in Seattle or Everett.  Probably not the best this for the state as a whole but a good thing for the forgotten places in the state.  Likely, this will never happen because the controlling party would actually be risking giving up its political juggernaut to try to do it at a state level and a grassroots movement to change the system would be considered right-wing wackos.  The second idea is for the Republican party to actually try to win more that 25% of the Seattle vote.  If a Republican could muster 28 to 30 percent of the Seattle vote, they would glide into Olympia.  Until they are willing to create a platform that could muster 28 to 30 percent of the Seattle vote, spending money on a Republican candidate for governor or any other state wide race is a waste of time and money, creating effectively an one party system in our state. 

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