Friday, April 2, 2010

The Return of New February

The calendar may say April, but that won't stop 50 MPH per hour wind gusts and snow in North Bend, oh no, the calendar cannot stop February. Weather not withstanding it is Easter time once again, and now it's the home stretch for those observing and participating in lent, Sunday a nice cup of coffee and ham dinner is waiting for you. Now I understand lent from a practical medieval purpose, but the ham dinner is a loss to me. If it's got to be pork why not BLT's or spicy ground sausage meatballs, ham is so, well ham, is like a Chrysler K - car, nothing exciting or challenging. I take that back, ham is challenging, because it is not very tasty or interesting or any I'd ever go out of my way to eat. Which leads to Easter Dinner, which growing up always occurred far too early in the day like 2:30 or 3 PM and also was a feast of ham and fruit salad, mostly grapes and candied cherries in whip cream. As I've gotten older, I've realized that Easter is a tough holiday for those who don't eat pork or specifically ham. I'm convinced that I'd like the holiday more if it was tradition to eat steak or double cheeseburgers and onion rings. Anyway tonight a photo of Easter dinner.

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