Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shoe and the Other Foot

As a parent you find yourself doing the same things with your kid that remember doing with your parents. What you didn't realize until the shoe was on a different foot, is just how unenjoyable it can be certain times. Spending time with your kid, doing something you both enjoy and watching the laugh and smile is great and it makes it totally worth while. It does not take away the boredom and exhaustion that is created by watch somebody do something that they are not at all good at or too young to master. You find yourself wishing you could just sneek out and read a book. Terrible but true, at least for me. Today was one of those times, playing Wii golf with the boy, really a lot of fun, but slow and now I understand why my Dad would have rather watched re-runs of Carter Country instead of playing Atari Football.

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