Friday, April 8, 2011

Because the Biggest Problems Are...

Funding Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS, the world is a nearly perfect place to live. The only thing that anyone could possibly complain about is gas prices, but that's because we all drive vehicles that get 8 miles to the gallon. It is okay to be chauffeured around in limos and that get 8 miles to the gallon, if the American tax payers foot that fuel bill. So the lesson is to shut up and get a better job. Our President's comment about gas prices and people driving around in 8 miles to the gallon guzzlers seems rather cavalier for somebody so doesn't pay for his own gas. It also seems naive to think that we all ride around 70's era land yachts. This reminds me of the senior Bush being mesmerized by the bar code scanners at the grocery store. Out of touch. Again though, no problems in the world. So with that in mind, more Goldendale. Two aspects of tonight's photo strike me, the tricycle and the slacks. They strike me as they illustrate, the lack of nearly perfectness of the 1960's and 1970's. Is there really a need for an adult sized tricycle and slacks look to be inspired by a corningware pattern (which is another problem all together).

1 comment:

jerrie said...

You don't even mention the large plastic daisy or the even more disturbing image of Pat being barefoot during a grasshopper plague. By the way, I don't remember the little girl in the previous picture, but I do remember our matching pink outfits.