Sunday, June 10, 2012

Have You Ever?

I don't know about the readers of America's Finest Blog, but I see things every once in a while that peak my interest.  Things that bring about the what, when, where or why sort of questions.  I've noticed over the years that just east of the Hobart store is a ball field named for Johnny Lazor.   I have thought to myself, who is this Johnny Lazor, did he build the field, own the store or what?  Come to find out Johnny was from Taylor, Washington, about 2 miles north of Hobart and ended up playing ball for the Boston Redsox during the War.  He got his start playing for company teams in the 1930's and was discovered by his manger on Bremerton's Northwest League team.  So Johnny Lazor, an example of the American Dream and namesake for the Hobart ball field. 

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