Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mount Vernon

Today is the 122nd birthday of Mount Vernon.  The town had been around much longer, first settled in 1870, but it took until 1890 to incorporate.  Even then it took three tries to finally win favor with the courts.  The first two attempts were foiled by Judge Cornelius Holgate Hanford, who believed that the laws of incorporation in Washington Territory were unconstitutional.  Inexplicably Mount Vernon tried to persuade Judge Hanford a second time and that failed as well.  It was not until April of 1890 until the town tried again and this time eventually won the right to put incorporation to a vote.  On June 27, 1890, the an overwhelming majority voted to incorporate.  To celebrate this a guy drives a traction through town.

1 comment:

jerrie said...

Love the segueay (sp?) to the photo. You are so pithy.