Friday, August 31, 2012


So it is the birthday of Shoreline, its all of 17 years old.  As readers of this fine blog my know, I like to say something about the significant towns in my life.  Shoreline was a significant town, it is where I lived both before and after Ellensburg.  Actually, that is not correct.  Before I moved to Ellensburg, I lived one house north of where I would live upon my return.  However that house had a Seattle address, since Shoreline didn't exist.  Shoreline was created during time in the mid nineties when nobody wanted to be a part of unincorporated King County.  Shoreline is a large mass of land that didn't really have a center or coherent feel, its just a bunch of older neighborhoods, some nice, some not so nice with a central government.

1 comment:

jerrie said...

I'm so glad we got to live, with/near each other as adults. I remember coming up the drive at the 'not yet Shoreline' house and having my heart lift when I saw your car in the driveway.