Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sky Rockets in Flight

So last Christmas I purchased a model rocketry kit for the boy.  I thought we could have some fun launching them.  Our busy summer of leisure finally allowed for time build and launch the rockets.  And good fun they are, I remember building a rocket in the 5th grade and launching it and watching it float into a tree, sad day.  But the rocket went exceptionally high so that was fun.  In fact I remember building the rocket was good fun for the whole family, well my mom and dad and myself.  Rocket day at school, was one of the great days of the school year, all the kids got to out and watch the 5th graders launch their rockets in alphabetical order.  Anyway, we have three rockets now and all are slightly flawed, but seem to be air worthy and fly well, it's the landing that seems to be at issue.  Hopefully there will be a few more launches before the soggy weather returns.
Tonight's post is dedicated to the Lego dude.  Sadly, his capsule could not hold him and he fell to earth and was lost to the vast fields of the Meadowbrook Farm.


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