Monday, July 21, 2008

The Truth about Paul Bunyan

Paul Bunyan is he the lovable giant lumberjack, our own early 20th century American creation myth, or is he a giant right-wing, anti-labor, glutenous eco-terrorist, you decide.
Consider Babe the Blue Ox, good natured side-kick, responsible for Lake Michigan, among other places or is Babe the number one cause of methane gas releases in his day. Methane is a greenhouse gas and because nobody thought to rid the world of this giant ox, cuddly Polar Bears and Emperor Penguins will die.
Babe aside, its obvious that a giant guy that could do the work 50 men, could be no friend of the labor movement. Mr. Bunyan's mere presence in the old Northwest kept wages low.
Then consider prior to Paul's invention of logging, the wilderness between Maine and the old Northwest was full of old growth trees and woodland creatures frolicking without a care. Now in a post-Paul Bunyan America, this same land is home to the rust belt, pollution spewing metropolis' and corporate farms.
Now Consider this, is the Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox in Bemidji, MN cooler than the Paul and Babe of the Tress of Mystery?
Bemidji's Paul and Babe
Trees of Mystery's Paul and Babe.

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