Sunday, January 25, 2009

Feeding the Squirrels and Other Items of Note

Having already tackled and completed the digital archiving of my Grandmother's photograph collection, I have turned to archiving my families photographs. So what a surprise it was to see a picture of my sister feeding a squirrel, I guess it is a case of like mother like daughter (See Feeding the Squirrels, All Part of Growing Up Paar). I'm hoping my sister has taken the time to photograph her family feeding rodents.
In other items of note, I was "employed" to photograph 13 Froelichs today, oh and 2 Williams'. What fun it was, and I learned much, like for starters photographing groups that large requires additional fees. I also learned that two cameras will be better than one. In the next day or two I will be posting some of the photos in a brand spanking new blog, called Blog (, so stay tuned oh fateful readers, I'll let you know when the first post is ready for viewing. In the meantime please keep in mind that Rustedvan Photography is always ready for hire and right now the prices are real cheap, how cheap? Almost free, okay mostly free...
If you cannot wait for the first highly anticipated post on Blog, you can check out the raw photos from today's Froelich Family Foto Shoot

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