Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Grass Isn't Always Greener

Today's my sister's birthday and it got me thinking about what a funny thing the mind is, you can convince yourself that the past was truly one way or the future will be glorious, all the while ignoring the present. Now some folks ignore the present because of hardship, others ignore it to live in past glory, for the latter photographs can be very difficult things to look at, since they tend to show the actual event. Albeit just a snapshot of the event, the event none the less. Now what this proves is that you better start enjoying the moment, because otherwise you'll not have anything when your photograph shows up on a blog 20 some years later. But if you can say with conviction, "Yeah that's me rockin' the shorty shirt and I'm still enjoying it," you have defeated the sinister power of the old family photo.

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