Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh for a Little Cash to Invest

If I only had money to throw it insurance stocks. Well I don't so, that's too bad. The insurance magnates are probably annoyed that they cannot toss aside the sick and expensive on their ledgers, but I would guess that they are lighting cigars with $20 bills, knowing that 32 million new customers are going to be coming their way. Of course there are many good things with regards to this Bill, such as the some of the reforms that prevent insurance companies from abusing their position.
But there are three grand problems, first since there is no cost containment, so the actual cost of medical care will continue to skyrocket and thus the cost of medical insurance will too. Second, the bill does nothing to address nation health, which only makes the first issue more dire. Finally, is the cost of this bill on our local communities, counties and states. My family pays something like $8500 a year for health insurance, and I am sure my employer pays even more than that to cover us, now with 32 million additional people forking over money to insurance companies, that just means even less money spent locally to sustain businesses and to create tax revenue to maintain a variety of things such as, roads, parks, CPS, etc. So this means more taxation will be required to close the gaps that this Bill will create.
I was not a fan of National health care, until this was pointed out to me. Think of it, if the National Government paid for health care. It would then free up about $8500 for a family of three, plus lets say a portion, if not all, of the cost incurred by the employer to insure the work force. The money would find its way to the employee's pocketbook via, stock prices, dividends, bonuses or wages. It is likely that this would offset the additional federal taxation that would be incurred and still provide more money to be spent locally. And with the Feds footing the bill, national health would soon become a priority.
To me, today is a hollow victory, change for the sake of change. The Republicans were correct for all the wrong reasons. Regardless it appears that 2014 is shaping up to be an interesting year.
Today's photo? It's fork in the road, taken near the end of Neal Road in Fall City.

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