Friday, October 14, 2011

A Bad Day for King Harold, A Great Day For Waterville

Two great events happened on this date, some 843 years apart, old King Harold lost England and his life at the Battle of Hastings and the Waterville Railway was started.  Whereas historians will wax on and on about the Battle of Hastings and all the what ifs and its significance to the western world, for the folks of Waterville, the Battle of Hastings was ancient history and wouldn't have seemed all that important.  The railroad on the other hand, important to Waterville, not so much to historians.  For Waterville, it meant that their wheat could get to the Great Northern branch line in Douglas and they could travel to Wenatchee and the other great cities along the Great Northern.  Even historians would agree that this would be significant for a town prior to the automotive age.

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