Monday, February 25, 2013

Change...The Good, the Bad and the Greedy

Well, they said that government does work anymore and that nothing can be done.  Well today proves that wrong, the Census Bureau has voted to cease referring to African Americans as Negros on census forms.  Again proving that the government is a step ahead of the curve, I think that this change in terminology might just catch on.  On another note, change isn't always good for everyone, the big coal magnates have tapped the greener PR firms in the Northwest to convince us that coal is good and that sending it to China is liking leasing it to them, after all the prevailing winds will bring the stuff back to us after they burn it.  Coal does look greener when there are a lot of Benjamins covering it.  Since the United States has become too green for coal, maybe our exports to China can also work off some of our indebtedness with that nation.  Anyway, a coal train is tonight's photo.  Note that is photo is 15 or so years old so coal has been transported through the Northwest for years, heck we mined the stuff way back when. 

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