Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkins and Voters' Pamphlet

As mentioned, this was pumpkin patch weekend. Come to find out, the average Joe Pumpkin is fed up with politics as usual in the other Washington too. That is why the average Joe Pumpkin urges you to read your Voters' Pamphlet, so you can find the best candidate so we can vote the bums out of the peoples' and pumpkins' government.
When I checked out the pamphlet, I was struck by the Socialist Workers Party, not only is their Candidate an African American, but the VP is white women, its like combining the best parts of the Democratic and Republican tickets. SWP's guy is a meat packer and an union man, so unlike the major party jerks and Joe the Plumber, he has an actual job (so Joe the Plumber, may actually work, facts and the truth has no place in a political discussion). The SWP says, that the billionaire ruling families are trumpeting their successes in screwing the rest of us into poverty. The SWP also wants a four day work week at current wages. So by voting SWP you are sticking it to the billionaires and getting an extra day off! The pamphlet has something for everyone, so you think you would rather vote for a woman President, who has an African American VP? Then the Socialism & Liberation Party is for you. They want to put peoples' needs ahead of balanced budgets and highway up keep, oh and the don't like police brutality. Those are but two gems within the pages of your voters' pamphlet, so check it out.
Finally Joe and Jane Pumpkin want you to get out and vote. Because they cannot, even though ACORN did sign up Joe and Jane Pumpkin in eleven states. You see Joe and Jane will be either smashed or plowed under by election day. In honor of Joe and Jane Pumpkin, I've created a Picasa Web Album the best of the Pumpkin Patch fun, check it out here:
Today's photots are from the pumpkin patch, or near by. The photo of Cicely and I, is by my sister, with a bit of photo-shopping, thanks Jerrie. The other photos are by me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My pamphlet is by my cozy chair waiting for a cup of coffee and an hour for perusal. I will definitely give the lesser known parties a deeper look this go around. Thanks for the heads up.