Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Stock Market Blues, Is GM Still Good for America, Disneyland and Debbie's Birthday

Oh, its just not very good times here in America, and things just don't seem to be looking better anytime soon. Greedy and powerful people of all political leanings have derailed the American Dream, baby boomers retirement, and the means of just getting by for many Americans. Hopefully our leaders can lead long enough help get the nation pointed in the right direction. Now is the time to nationalize our banks and the mortgage system to return confidence in the system and to give all American homeowners a chance to put money back into the economy, through lower interest rates on their mortgages. If you are really working for us Obama, you'd do it.
It is behind this dark cloud of economic gloom that we take a family vacation to San Diego. I'd like to travel during happier times but I can only do so much. Since on this trip we will be making our first family trip to Disneyland, I have pulled out some photos from the last family trip to Disneyland. The kid with the California Angels cap is my sister Debbie, it's her birthday Saturday, so happy B-Day Deb. Anyway enjoy the photos and I'll resume blogging again sometime after the 12th, unless Obama nationalizes America's Finest Blog.

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