Wednesday, August 5, 2009


My routine has been derailed and destroyed it seems of late. It seems between work, a toddler that doesn't like to go to bed before 9, the heat and Quin's grandma's visit, I'm faced with trying to get photography related work done, in the few minutes I have before bed. A sad story, I know, but just because I haven't scanned a photo in a couple weeks, doesn't mean this is going to be a "What to blog" post. Instead it is going to be about Easton. Wow now this is exciting.
Easton is the first "town" on the east side of Snoqualmie Pass, once upon a time there were two railroads that ran through town and most importantly the Sunset Highway ran down Main Street. Those days are long gone, now days Easton is a populated ghost town. By that I mean there are people who live there, but the commercial part of the town itself has been mostly abandoned. Most commerce appears to take place at the gas station on the other side of the Interstate. In the four or five times that I have traveled through town I have never seen a person, nor do I remember an open business. Easton is a classic example of a highway town, post bypass, just a couple streets of closed down businesses. But if you do get off I-90 and take the old highway through town you will see that a some point Easton was probably an alright place to get a meal and some petrol. Back when cars got eight miles to the gallon and driving to your destination was part of the fun, not a necessity.
Enjoy a few photos of Easton, and try to make it a habit to check out a forgotten or bypassed town when you are out on the road.

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