Friday, September 18, 2009

WASP or Is that A Bag of Frozen Potatoes Under Your Arm?

Well just about ten years ago I went over to Ellensburg to photograph some friends of mine. We had a grand old time, drinking beer and watching football games. And we took photos, it was to be the beginning of a career as a photographer. But instead it was just about the end of my "career." A week or so later my life forever changed and I might add, for the better. But photography at least seriously was put off for a while.
I remember shooting my friends in a couple different places and we were to do a couple more if it was not for the wasp that crawled up my shirt and stung me eights on my hand and under my arm. That put an end to the first part of the shoot right quick. But it did bring about the amusing sight of me sitting on their couch with a bag of frozen potatoes under my arm. We finally finished the photos and in the end it all went well. Ten years later, we are still friends but I don't get to Ellensburg nearly enough any more.
So in honor of it being 10 years since the end of the beginning, here are some pictures of Ted and Trish with some 21st century updating.

1 comment:

Cicely said...

Just ever so everyone reading is aware... this actually occured 9 years ago. And I am pretty certain that the way Dan's life was made better was by beginning to date me. Awww. So sweet.