Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day or Elk Can Wait

Well, instead of marching with the proletariat today, I spent a great deal of time with my family.  It was really pleasant, I saw my Dad in the morning and then went home and grabbed the wife and kid and then we did all sorts of stuff, an all together nice day.  The weather was wonder as well, so this evening I set out to check out the elk, as has become my custom in the spring and summer, it was a nice end to great day.  I had every intention of blogging about elk tonight, but when I returned home I turned on the T.V. to see that bin Laben was dead.  Shocked, I was to say the least.  So tonight instead of elk, the twin towers, as seen from the Statue of Liberty, March 1991.  I didn't get to go to the twin towers in either of my visits to New York, and until 9/11/2001, I didn't really care because I could have always went the next time, well bin Laden ruined that for me and ruined America for a lot of other people.  So good riddance. 

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