Sunday, May 8, 2011

It's Mother's Day Again

America's Finest Blog 555th post will be dedicated to Mom.  My Mother past away in June 2000, whenever I look at this particular photo is brings back so many memories.  Not because it is a particularly good photo, because it isn't, and it is not because it is a particularly flattering photo of my Mom, because it isn't, it's because of what it represents.  Mom spent half her waking hours sitting in that chair, drinking coffee and then iced tea, it's just where she always was, sitting there, when I got up in the morning or when I came home, she'd be sitting there.  It's funny how we become creatures of habit, it's just too comfortable to go to that same place over and over again.  So on this Mother's Day, picture of my Mom at her station, I am reminded yet again, what a wonder person she was and what a great mother I had.
To the Mom's of the world...
Happy Mother's Day

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