Thursday, May 17, 2012


I read through the Snovalley Star today only to see that Mabel M. Mackey has passed way at the young age of 95.  So who was Mabel M. Mackey?  None other than obscure welterweight fighter Chet Riley's sister (see North to Alaska 9.15.08).  Also come to find out an equally obscure relation.  Chet Riley's other sister, Norma was my Great Uncle Martin's wife.  She was likely in Alaska around the same time as my Grandfather persuaded to go north by her brother Chet.  It was there that she married and stayed until after the war.  In 1945, she moved back to Carnation with her husband and child.  Then in the 1950's, she worked for my Great Uncle Mike at the IGA.  For the intrepid readers of this blog, this an object on just how small the world is, or at least how small the valley is where we live.  I don't seem to have photos of Mabel, she was a bit younger than my Grandparents, but I do have photos of her sister, brother and former employer. 

1 comment:

jerrie said...

How do you know these things? But, I am so glad you do.