Friday, May 18, 2012

A Preview

Beginning around 7:30 PM on May 18th, 1910 the planet Earth passed through the tail of Haley's comet.  Cool, huh?  Not in 1910, especially if you were crazy, farmers killed themselves, stepfathers attempted to ritually sacrificed their step children and boys acted like boys..  In Seattle a man was booked into the city jail claiming that the comet had killed King Edward VII of England (who was already dead), and that the letter he had written him had been burned up by the comet.  In Spokane, two boys stopped at pointed to the sky on a busy downtown street causing hundreds to stop and stare at the sky  Then the boys shouted, "Rubbernecks!" and ran off.  Of course with the eclipse, the transit of Venus and the end of the Mayan calendar, 2012 promises to be much like 1910.

1 comment:

jerrie said...

Love it. Your voice at its most Danish (no, not the donut sort).