Friday, August 13, 2010

A Bit of History and Some Thoughts

Today is the 59th anniversary of the destruction of the Lester Apartments, by a B-50 Superfortress. The Lester Apartments were the home to working class families at the time of their doom. What few people realized is that the Lester Apartment were constructed for a different working class, namely prostitutes. It was the largest bordello in the world with 500 rooms for the ladies. This building was the brainchild of Seattle's Mayor and Chief of Police who were getting 10 bucks a month from each prostitute in town. The citizenry of Seattle spoke up and ran both guys out of office, the chief going to jail and the mayor running and winning his job back in 1914 on the promise that he would clean up the debauchery.
As my vacation comes to an end, I am struck by the misery of air travel, as compared to the road. The road you hit it and you make the best time you can, rushing on a road trip is a silly endeavor. The road is to be enjoyed, it is an active part of your vacation. The airline is also an active part of your vacation, the part that book ends, your actual enjoyment. You get to deal with crowded airports, the TSA and crowded airplanes. You are always either too early or too late. It is the source of stress, one that tends to shorten the actual fun of the vacation. I suppose you can look at the airport like you would a road trip, get there when you get there and just enjoy it, putting aside the stress and the rush. Maybe I'll try that next time.
Today's photos are from our recent trip to Carlsbad, CA, one photo is of a sunset, since the sun is setting on my vacation and the second debauchery of a different sort, the California liquor store. This one is Leucada is a personal favorite.

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