Sunday, August 1, 2010


A blueberry is among, if not, my very favoritest food on the planet. One day when I grow up I want my very own blueberry plantation. I haven't picked blueberries in years but I can still remember the fun of berry picking. Racing friends and family to see who could pick the most the fastest. Good times. I can remember one time we went blueberry picking to a place out in Kenmore on the Sammamish River. There were seven of us in my sister's Nova, we got out to the place and it was closed. So now with free time we decided to drive down Lake Washington Blvd, to Seward Park. It was a grand time, we stopped at picked up some food for picnic and then after that fun and games at the Park. We hiked in the woods and swam in the lake it was a great time for all. Then all seven of us piled into the Nova and drove back to our suburban home. I cannot remember if we got home before or after my parents, but do remember that my dad was none to happy with my sister for going to Seward Park. It was a dangerous place, although I don't every remember thinking we were in danger. Anyway that's my blueberry picking story, my wife and kid went picking blueberries today, so hopefully the boy will have his own stories soon. Here are a couple photos my wife took today.

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