Friday, September 24, 2010

4 Fingers and 10 Years

There are photos that are taken that you wish were not. Even though this photo sits on my desk in my office, I actually don't much like this photo, and never have really. It is crass. However, I do like the girl in the photo and I do fondly remember the night. You see this is of course, myself and my wife on our first date, or first time we hung out or whatever you call it. I wish somebody had be trailing us with a camera so we could have a photo of us holding hands, as we walked down to the QFC. Instead Cicely's sister came out on the porch and told us to flip off the camera. Photos are suppose to capture a moment in time. But this photo really is everything but that to me, sure it does remind me of that moment, but its more, it is sitting on her porch talking and watching the rats on the telephone lines, it is marrying her, it is all the love we have shared, it is our son, it is the promise of many more years together, it is youth and it is the wisdom that comes with age, that says you shouldn't take photos like this.

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