Friday, December 23, 2011


As noted not too long ago, my son enjoys wrecks.  While meandering about my office recently he found this picture.  Needless to say, he was excited, so excited in fact, that he carried the photo around with him until after dinner. 
I found this photo at an antique store, so I don't know what happened here, so I couldn't tell him when he asked.  I asked him, what do you think happened?  He then made several explosion and screeching brake sounds, which combined with hand gestures to recreate the wreck.  Like I said, I don't know anything about this photo, so I can only go off of what I can observe.  It is a tank truck that is either carrying fuel or tar, the driver may still be inside and this accident occurred on a major road, judging by the crowd.  Or it wasn't a major road and just by happenstance a bus load of useless men happened by and stopped to mill about. Regardless of the truth, it is the type of photo a four year old boy loves and funny thing is, I would have loved it too at his age.  I remember our family vacation to Victoria, B.C., it was a raining morning when we left and I-5 was littered with accidents and road construction, which may the vacation super awesome, but that is a different story for another day.

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